Saturday, June 18, 2011


Well hey!

I realized that I have all the Zombie Tag arcs and nothing to do with them.

And Zombie Tag is a pretty cool book, I think. Check out this description!

Ever since twelve-year-old Wil Lowenstein's older brother Graham died a few months ago, Wil's spent most of his time fighting off imaginary zombies with spatulas in Zombie Tag, the Mafia/Capture the Flag hybrid he invented with his friends. What Wil doesn't tell anybody is that if he could bring his dead brother back as a zombie for real, he would. In a heartbeat.

So when Wil finds a way to bring back all the dead within five miles, he seizes the chance. But the Graham who comes back isn't the same. None of the returned are. At first they're just emotionless, apathetic - lifeless. But then some of the zombies slowly start to get one emotion back - anger. And Wil is going to have to find a way to fix zombie-Graham and turn him back into the angsty teenager he's supposed to be before it's too late.

Because some of the zombies are banding together and plotting something. And Wil isn't sure his mom's spatulas are really going to do the trick if the zombies really do want to eat his brains.

Here! A visual!

So remember how I did an arc tour for Gone, Gone, Gone? Remember how that's going on right now and it's super fun? LET'S DO IT AGAIN!

Wait, what's an arc tour? It's a way for a lot of you to read one arc! It's the chain letter of giveaways! I send out a copy, put you guys in order, and you guys send to each other. And before I send it out, I'll write lots of notes in it and tell you guys to write in it too, so by the time it gets back to me it'll be like a scrapbook from all of you, and that makes me really happy.

Mostly the same rules as before, but first, a few things:

This is an upper MG book. This is not a young adult book. If you don't read/review MG, you're going to open the thing up and go "where's the sex?" and that's no good for anyone.

I have a few arcs this time! Either two or three will be going out, and we're going to do REGIONAL TOURS! So everyone around the west coast will get one arc, etc. This means it will get to you faster, and you will have more time with it it! Which is good because Zombie Tag comes out DECEMBER 20TH, and I would very much like the arcs to come home around that time. So we must get this show on the road.

We'll scribble in them just like we're scribbling on the Gone, Gone, Gone, one! It's really fun.


YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO ENTER IF: You are in the U.S. or Canada, you are a book blogger, and you promise to review this book. (NOTE: My definition of "book blogger" is pretty lenient. If you have a blog where you will review my book, you're in. Hell, you're probably in if all you'll do is review the thing on Goodreads and tweet about it. I'm easygoing.) You're also totally eligible whether or not you're in the Gone, Gone, Gone tour.

To get into the tour, you need to comment on this post telling me that you've done both of two things:

1. Added Zombie Tag on Goodreads. Right here.

2. Bought either Break or Invincible Summer. (Brownie points for both, obviously)

Same apology as I gave you for Gone, Gone, Gone, It's totally gross, I know, but chick's gotta eat. Just comment and be like "yeah, I bought that shit" or "yeah, I'm buying it now 'cause you're making me."

(But hannah, can't we just lie and tell you we bought it if we haven't? Yeah, you can, but then Santa doesn't bring presents and your kids hate you.)

I have no idea how long I'm giving each person with the book because I have no idea how many copies I'm sending out or how many of you will sign up, so yeah, just hit me and we'll see what happens. I'll close this at some point in the future, I don't even know.

Once you get the book, you'll have a predetermined amount of time to get it, read it, and send it to the next person. I'll send to the first person, the last person will send it back to me. If you drop the ball and lose my arc, I WILL HARVEST YOUR ORGANS AND MAKE THEM INTO SPATULAS. If you're late sending it out, no one cares, it's fine.

NOW FOR THE POINT OF THE ARC TOUR: YOU MUST REVIEW THIS BOOK, whether or not you like it. But! Please DO NOT post this review on your blog until a month or two before release date. But PLEASE PLEASE rate it, and even review it! on Goodreads or Librarything or wherever the fuck (but Goodreads, please, I'm a Goodreads ho) as soon as possible after you finish it.


Tell me your name

Tell me your email address

Tell me which of my books you've bought

Tell me you added Zombie Tag on Goodreads

Tell me your city and state

and the thing is as good as yours.


Tabitha Michelle said...

My name is Tabitha.
My e-mail address is
Invincible Summer, I bought that shit.
I added Zombie Tag on Goodreads.
Paragould, Arkansas.

Kari Olson said...

Flamingo1325 at gmail dot com
Bought both! Reviewed both! Love them!
Added ZT on GR :D
Dallas TX

So excited for ZT!!!

Sarah said...

1) I'm Sarah:)
2) e-mail:
3) Invincible Summer, Break soon:D
4) Added!
5) New Port Richey, FL

sassysam2121 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mandie Baxter said...

Amanda Baxter
Have both of your books! So on GRs!
AmandaZagar @ gmail dot com
Dothan, al

Anonymous said...

Woo woo! Love me some zombies.

1) Lindsay Breen
3) Invincible Summer is all mine
4) Added Zombie Tag on GR
5) Portland, ME

Rebecca Christiansen said...

Ohai :)

1) Rebecca Christiansen here!
2) rachristiansen(at)live(dot)ca
3) I have bought both Break and IS!
4) I've added Zombie Tag
5) Brackendale, BC, Canada!

Lydia Sharp said...

you da best.

Lydia Sharp

lydiasharp4sff (at) yahoo (dot) com

I have bought both Break and Invincible Summer. I've reviewed them both on GoodReads *and* on my book blog. They're beautiful (the books, I mean).

I added Zombie Tag on GoodReads eons ago. Before it even had a cover. I've read and reviewed MG in the past, but this will be the first time it involves zombies.

Brunswick, Ohio


Allison said...

Aight, yo.

Allison Renner
Bought Break and IS
Guuuurl I added Zombie Tag 4/21! Bless goodreads for keeping dates.
Memphis, TN

Anonymous said...

What up. My name is grace and you know how to contact me. I live in Boston.

I just added ZT (I think--I fail at Goodreads).

I have bought every single Moskowitz book, some of them MULTIPLE TIMES.

Give me this book, woman.

starryeyedjen said...


bought Invincible Summer
added Zombie Tag on Goodreads
Dallas, TX

Marcy Jo said...

1. Marcy Funderburk
2. foraslowparade at gmail dot com
3. Bought IS for myself, and then for several friends! (Hurts so good)
4. Added!

Anonymous said...

Steph Campbell

steph.campbell725 at gmail

I bought IS. And my hubs says it has the best cover on my shelves. Nice. ;)

But of COURSE i've added ZT on Goodreads. It's on my shelf, "for-the-kids" (I have a 9 & 11 y.o & they are PUMPED about this book!) :)

Lake Charles, LA

KT said...

Don't let me forget I want to do this. I'm just too lazy to join Goodreads right now.


Unknown said...

Jeremy West
I own your books, Hannah Moskowitz!
I have added on GR, like months ago.
Anderson, SC
I am excited.

Cara said...

Cara Best
I am the proud owner of both Break and Invincible Summer, thank you very much.
I've had Zombie Tag added on Goodreads.
Whitehall, PA
I can have zombies now?

Pam Harris said...

Ooh, yay! Another ARC tour! :) BTW, I'm posting my review of Gone, Gone, Gone on Goodreads this week. :)

Pam Harris
I've purchased Invincible Summer, but Break is next on my list.
I've so already added Zombie Tag on Goodreads.
Carrollton, VA--but I'll be moving to Chesapeake, VA in a month.

Anonymous said...

This is Halli
Invinsible Summer
Zombie Tag is on GR
Alberta, Canada

hannah moskowitz said...

Name: Reut C.
Books Bought: Invincible Summer
Zombie Tag: Added
Location: T.O., Ontario

Taylor Kowalski said...

Hi, I'm Taylor.
The email's
I've got Invincible Summer, which I adored, for the record.
Consider ZT added
I live in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Jessica said...


Invincible Summer & Break

I totally added Zombie Tag on goodreads, duh! :D

Bel Air, MD

Jynn said...

My name's Jamie (though I use Jynn online a lot, hence the name the comment's under), my email is, I've bought and read both Invincible Summer and Break, I added Zombie Tag on Goodreads, and I live in Edinburg, Texas.

AmburHostyn said...

Can't wait to read Zombie Tag, Hannah! :D Thanks for the chance to read it for your ARC tour. :)

My name's Ambur.

Email address: ambiepie_6(at)hotmail(dot)com

I bought both of your books, now I just have to wait for them to come in the mail, it was the perfect excuse for me to finally buy them. My To-read piles a little big. haha

I added Zombie Tag as to-read on Goodreads.

Thorsby, Alberta, Canada

T.M. Frazier said...

Tracey M. Hansen
goodreads done
Break and IS just read Gone Gone Gone ARC
Cape Coral,FL

MBee said...

Wait, another Hannah ARC tour? SWOON! I'm so in!

name: MaryBeth


books bought: Break & IS & am waiting on the G to the 3rd power ARC (tour)

Zombie Tag was added to my to read shelf a long time ago!

City/State: Manchester, NJ

Woo excited! :D

sassysam2121 said...

Samantha Rae, again.


I have Invincible Summer.

I think I already have Zombie Tag on Goodreads but I have to check and will add it there in a matter of minutes if I don't.

Gastonia, NC

teenagereader said...

Ashlyn Rae
I have BREAK!
OF COURSE I added Zombie Tag.
I live in Los Angeles, California